Ocna Şugatag / Coştiui

Ocna Șugatag is a destination for several categories of tourists; those who want to travel mountain trails can do it in a special natural environment; those who are interested in the area-specific flora and fauna can see many rare species; those who enjoy a bit of adrenaline rush will find near this area places fit for mountain climbing, mountain biking, paragliding, skiing; finally, those who love fishing can do it on the Gabori lake.

Some of the well-known tourist trails in the area are:

  • The trail Morărenilor Lake Reserve: Ocna Șugatag – Hoteni – Breb - Tăul Morărenilor - Tăul Chendroaiei - Creasta Cocoşului.
    Marking: red cross; Duration: 7 hours; The trail is 18 km long and the departure is from Ocna Șugatag or Deseşti.
  • The trail Drumul Verde – "Drumul Moştenirii Maramureşene" ("Road of Maramureş Legacy")
    It crosses 7 localities: Ocna Șugatag, Budeşti, Hoteni, Hărniceşti, Deseşti and Mara. It includes 7 protected areas: Creasta Cocoşului Reserve, Crăiasa Forest, Morărenilor Lake, Hoteni Lakes, Iezerul Mara Peat Moor, Cheile Tătarului, Poiana Brazilor Bogs.
  • Coştiui – Hills of Maramureş – Rona Depression/rivers Rona and Ronişoara, Apaffy Castle – Roman-Catholic Church, Ukrainian Church – Natural Reserve "Ronişoara Durmast Wood" – Coştiui Lake.
  • Ocna Șugatag - Piemontul Marei / Cosău river – "Vlaschinescu" and "Tăul lui Dumitru" bog reserves on the Izvoarele plateau – salts lake formed by the collapse of salt mines, Crăiasa Forest – forest larch and oak reserve.
  • Ocna Șugatag, Locality Breb - Piemontul Gutinului – Gutâi Mountains (Gutin) / Breb river – Morărenilor Lake – "Saint Michael and Gabriel" wooden church – backpacking to the Gutin Peak, Creasta Cocoşului Peak.
  • Ocna Șugatag, locality Hoteni - Maramureş Depression - Piemontul Marei - "Saint Michael and Gabriel" wooden church.
  • Ocna Șugatag, locality Șugatag - Piemontul Marei / Mara river– "Saint Paraskeva" wooden church.


Vişeu de Sus

Visit the page of the Vișeu de Sus town hall for additional information on the local administration and for news and events throughout the year.



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